More Hoosiers approve of President Trump’s job performance than disapprove, according to the latest edition of Ball State’s Hoosier Survey.
FILE PHOTO: Lauren Chapman/IPB NewsMore Hoosiers approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance than disapprove, according to the latest edition of Ball State’s Hoosier Survey.
President Trump came out ahead in the poll of 600 Hoosier adults, better than results in many other states and nationally.
Bowen Center for Public Affairs at Ball State University managing director Charles Taylor notes Trump did win Indiana in 2016 by 19 points.
“That gives him a lot of room in 2020, even if his support erodes some," Taylor says.
The numbers are a lot closer on the impeachment inquiry against Trump – more people polled say they disapprove of it, but it’s within the margin of error. Taylor says, though, that could change.
“What happens in this public phase of the impeachment debate in the House and the sort of news coverage that gets and how people react to that,” Taylor says.
The survey polled adults generally – not registered or likely voters, as political parties and campaigns often do.
Contact Brandon at bsmith@ipbs.org or follow him on Twitter at @brandonjsmith5.