May 17, 2019

Top Holcomb Budget Leaders Departing Administration

Article origination IPBS-RJC
State Budget Director Jason Dudich, left, and Office of Management and Budget Director Micah Vincent, right, are both departing the Holcomb administration. - Brandon Smith/IPB News

State Budget Director Jason Dudich, left, and Office of Management and Budget Director Micah Vincent, right, are both departing the Holcomb administration.

Brandon Smith/IPB News

Leadership at Indiana’s budget agencies is undergoing major changes.

The Holcomb administration announced Friday that Office of Management and Budget Director Micah Vincent will depart June 30. Vincent is leaving for a private sector position with the Indiana-based company The Heritage Group.

Vincent has been OMB director since 2015, under then-Gov. Mike Pence. And he’s worked in state government for more than a decade.

Also leaving the Holcomb administration, effective Friday is State Budget Director Jason Dudich. As previously announced, he’s heading to the University of Indianapolis.

Vincent will take over Dudich’s responsibilities until a permanent replacement is hired. And once Vincent departs, Gov. Holcomb’s current deputy chief of staff Cris Johnston will replace him as OMB director.

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