INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The Indianapolis Zoo is turning to Facebook and the public to choose a name for a baby giraffe that's the zoo's newest addition.
The 6-foot-tall, 158-pound male reticulated giraffe was born Jan. 9. Zoo officials say the feisty, month-old calf and his 18-year-old mother, Takasa, are doing well.
Zookeepers have selected three names for a poll on the zoo's Facebook page. The name that gets the most votes will become the calf's name.
The choices are: Amazu (AH-mah-zoo) which means "no one knows everything" in Nigerian; Jengo (JANE-goe), a Swahili word meaning "building" or "construction"; and Mshangao (ma-SHAN-goe), which means "amazement" or "surprise" in Swahili.
Voting opened at 6 a.m. on Feb. 10, and closes at 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 23. The winning name will be announced the next day.