Some teachers taped signs to their cars before the parade line-up.
Photo courtesy Amy Sargent viaFacebookAs Hoosiers prepared to “hunker down” for Gov. Eric Holcomb’s stay-at-home order, some teachers in east central Indiana decided to see their young students in-person one more time, from a safe distance.
“Get your sign, Claire. Say ‘Hi guys!’”
In Yorktown on Tuesday, first grader Claire Evans stands at the end of her driveway. Her grandmother holds up a hand-crafted sign and her mom films a video as Pleasant View Elementary teachers drive by, led by a police escort. There’s honking, signs taped to cars, and even a cowbell.
“Hi Mrs. Ray!”
Yorktown parents on Facebook say their kids loved seeing the teachers drive by, even though some kids were “too cool” to wave back.
Claire’s mom, Mandi Evans, says when she’s not doing schoolwork, Claire is “reading aloud every Curious George story ever written.” Claire wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
By state order, all Indiana schools are closed through May 1. Most students are learning online. Pleasant View Elementary teachers are also recording a series of videos where each reads a book to their students.