February 17, 2015

Teacher Tax Credit Bill Passes Indiana House

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INDIANAPOLIS – Teachers would receive a $200 tax credit toward the purchase of supplies for their classrooms under legislation the Indiana House approved Tuesday.

House Bill 1005 now moves to the Senate for consideration.

The bill’s author, Rep. Ben Smaltz, R-Auburn, said teachers are in the classroom for the joy of watching students learn to read, to write or to understand history and science.

“They’re not teaching for money,” Smaltz said. “But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t recognize when they’re spending it out of their own pocket.

Smaltz said the beauty of the tax credit is that it bypasses the school district and other administration and goes right into the pockets of teachers.

HB 1005 is part of a larger effort among Republicans to reward teachers and is aimed at those who spend their own money on supplies.

Rep. Vernon Smith, D-Gary, said the legislation is “a breath of fresh air” among other bills that he opposes as bad for public schools.

“We’re coming to say we appreciate teachers and the sacrifices they make,” Smith said.

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