January 20, 2020

Council Republicans Propose Study On Criminal Justice And Violence In Indianapolis

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Indianapolis City County Council

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Republican Indianapolis City-County Councilors propose a study to examine violent crime and the justice system. 

The new proposal, that has bi-partisan support, would create a commission to examine causes of violent crime and the systems that address it. Indianapolis City-County Council Minority Leader, Republican Brian Mowery, says this is a 2020 priority.

"This conversation needs to be started and it’s well overdue," Mowery says. 

While the city experienced slightly fewer homicides, there were more non-fatal shootings in 2019. Mowery says a study would examine all sides of the issues and include law enforcement, courts and the community to identify strategies that are working, and those that are not.

"Clearly something is going wrong. Clearly we are doing something wrong," Mowery says.

The proposal will be introduced to the full council later this month.

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