December 22, 2014

State Senator Brings Back Expanded 'Merry Christmas Bill'

This nativity scene in Franklin County is at the center of a lawsuit filed by the ACLU. - Photo courtesy OZinOH via Flickr

This nativity scene in Franklin County is at the center of a lawsuit filed by the ACLU.

Photo courtesy OZinOH via Flickr

A bill protecting Christmas celebrations in public schools will make another appearance in the state legislature next year.

State Representative Jim Smith authored the same bill last year. The ‘Merry Christmas Bill’ as it was called, passed unanimously in the state Senate last year.  But, it never reached the House.
Now, Charlestown Republican State Senator Jim Smith is bringing back a version of the bill that’s broader than before.

The first version of the bill was meant to allow Christmas celebrations in public schools. This version would also protect Christmas displays sponsored on city property if they give equal opportunity for secular or other religions’ displays.

Smith hopes this bill will discourage organizations like Freedom from Religion from filing lawsuits against Christmas celebrations.

“You know Christmas is really being extinguished from our culture and stolen from our children because of these organizations,” Smith said.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana says the bill wouldn’t amount to much in court because it won’t stop a lawsuit. It also says neither this legislation, nor the General Assembly can regulate what does or does not violate the U.S. Constitution.

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