The Indiana Chamber of Commerce emphasized education in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, in its plans for the 2018 legislative session.
Pixabay/public domainThe Indiana Chamber of Commerce emphasized education in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, in its plans for the 2018 legislative session. Chamber Vice President of Education, Workforce Development & Federal Relations, Caryl Auslander, says a major focus is on making computer science a prerequisite for high school graduation.
“While there are STEM requirements for high school graduation, there is not a computer science requirement,” Auslander says. “And we believe that needs to change.”
House Speaker Brian Bosma isn’t sure what that might look like, but agrees computer science needs to be mandatory in some form.
The chamber’s goals track with Gov. Eric Holcomb’s agenda around STEM education. A major component of his plans include a requirement for every Hoosier school to offer computer science classes by 2021.