The A&E's program "60 Days In" followed seven undercover volunteers disguised as inmates at the Clark County Jail.
file photoJEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. (AP) — A southern Indiana jail has made changes including additional officers and more resources for inmates upon release after letting a cable television program film for four months inside its walls.
Sheriff Jamey Noel says the Clark County Jail in Jeffersonville also has added two body scanners to better detect weapons, drugs and other contraband being smuggled into the jail.
The A&E program "60 Days In" followed seven undercover volunteers disguised as inmates. The second season finale was shown Thursday. Noel spoke to reporters Friday.
Noel said seven officers resigned during the show and five were fired for unacceptable behavior. A&E let the jail keep surveillance equipment worth more than $200,000, and it was used to file about 35 criminal charges against inmates including intimidation, battery and criminal mischief.