September 29, 2014

Seven More Counties To Participate In Juvenile Detention Program

INDIANAPOLIS – Seven new counties across the state will partner with the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative, which offers community-based alternative programs to the typical detention facility solution for juveniles.

Allen, LaPorte, Bartholomew, Boone, Monroe, St. Joseph, and LaGrange counties will join the 12 counties that already have a partnership with the JDAI program.

JDAI- a national initiative – was established 20 years ago and created its first partnership in Indiana in Marion County in 2006.

The program received more than $5 million in state funds from the legislature the past two years. With the additional money, the program has been able to expand to a new total of 19 counties.

Indiana Department of Correction Youth Services Executive Director Mike Dempsey is happy the state legislature is paying attention to juvenile correction issues and believes the expansion of JDAI is helpful.

“We appreciate the governor’s and legislature’s support and providing necessary funding as a means to support the JDAI statewide expansion effort and ensuring more Indiana youth are provided with opportunities for community-based alternatives to secure detention when appropriate,” Dempsey said.

The new counties will have kick-off meetings starting Oct. 1 in Allen County and will continue during the months of October, November and December. The final kick-off meeting is to be held Dec. 10 in LaGrange County.

With the current expansion, as many as 56 percent of Indiana’s youth ages 10-17 will live in a JDAI county.

An executive team of four organizations involved in the juvenile system oversees the JDAI program in Indiana. It includes the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, The Indiana Supreme Court, The Indiana Department of Correction, and the Indiana Department of Child Services.

Hannah Troyer is a reporter at, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.

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