Sen. Todd Young, shown here on Capitol Hill in September, and Sen. Joe Donnelly voted to approve a move Monday to re-open the federal government.
AP Photo/J. Scott ApplewhiteU.S. Sen. Todd Young (R-Indiana) applauded the 81 senators who approved a move Monday to re-open the government – this vote ended the filibuster, making way for a short-term spending bill through Feb. 8.
Young also expressed his frustration saying the shutdown was “an indictment” on senators who sought protection for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA recipients.
“Now I think, all parties, including the Democratic leaders, are prepared to negotiate in the coming weeks,” Young says.
He says this is a call to action for Congress.
“I think the White House has rightly indicated that it’s time for Congress, a separate co-equal branch of government, to finally start asserting itself,” Young says.
Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Indiana) joined Young to end the filibuster.