The Indiana Senate soundly rejected Thursday a change to legislation that legalizes Sunday alcohol carryout sales.
file photoThe Indiana Senate soundly rejected Thursday a change to legislation that legalizes Sunday alcohol carryout sales.
The bill eliminates the ban on Sunday sales but would only allow alcohol carryout on the seventh day between 12 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sen. Karen Tallian’s (D-Portage) proposed amendment would remove that restriction and make Sunday sales like every other day – 7 a.m. to 3 a.m.
“We don’t need to legislate business hours,” Tallian says. “We don’t legislate when you can buy doughnuts.”
But Sen. Ron Alting (R-Lafayette), the bill’s author, says alcohol isn’t like other products.
“We regulate where it’s sold, how it’s sold, how much it’s sold, and everything else because it is a regulated product – period,” Alting says.
The unamended bill will be available for passage by the full Senate Monday.