February 1, 2018

Senate Passes Bill To Broaden Feticide Law

Article origination IPBS-RJC
Sen. Aaron Freeman (R-Indianapolis) says the Senate added a provision to his bill expanding feticide law that he hopes heads off any issues. - Brandon Smith/IPB News

Sen. Aaron Freeman (R-Indianapolis) says the Senate added a provision to his bill expanding feticide law that he hopes heads off any issues.

Brandon Smith/IPB News

The Senate easily approved legislation Thursday that would allow prosecutors to bring a second murder charge against someone who kills a pregnant woman and causes the death of her fetus.

Current law would allow that – but only if the fetus is viable. Sen. Aaron Freeman’s (R-Indianapolis) bill would eliminate the need for viability.

The measure attracted controversy in committee amid concerns it would interfere with abortion or miscarriages. The bill contains language to make it explicit that it does not involve legal abortions.

And Freeman says the Senate added another provision to head off any other issues.

“To make it very clear that this has nothing to do with a woman who would choose to terminate her own pregnancy,” Freeman says.

No one spoke on the floor against the bill. It passed 42-6.

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