Rolls-Royce president of defense programs, Phil Burkholder, announces a new partnership with Purdue University to improve cybersecurity training at the Cybertech Midwest conference in Indianapolis.
Lauren Chapman/IPB NewsRolls-Royce announced a new partnership with Purdue University at the Cybertech Midwest conference in Indianapolis Wednesday. They're partnering to develop better training techniques to improve cybersecurity.
During a speech at the Cybertech Midwest conference, Rolls-Royce defense programs president Phil Burkholder announced the new partnership with Purdue. He says to truly protect against cyber threats, businesses and governments need to train employees to be the first line of defense.
"Our choice is to be aware and part of that awareness, we believe, is to train every one of our employees," Burkholder says.
Burkholder says Rolls-Royce and Purdue are working on a formal agreement with the state of Indiana to share these techniques with businesses statewide.