This former Pilsbury plant along the Wabash River in Terre Haute will be the site of the city's first residential riverfront development.
Joe Hren/WFIUThe site of a long vacant plant along the Wabash River is being converted into Terre Haute’s first residential riverfront development.
Indiana State University bought the former Pillsbury Plant a few years ago because of its close proximity to the school’s athletic facilities.But the university decided to sell it to Core Redevelopment who will spend $25 million to build 180 apartments.
“It’s a catalyst to get people to live right on the river, the trail comes along there," Terre Haute Mayor Duke Bennett," says. "It will be able to connect them all the way down to I-70 along the river, so it’s all that quality of life kind of stuff that people are looking for.”
City officials created a TIF district on the property that will generate tax money to help develop the area. The project will break ground next month and is scheduled to be complete in 2018.