Every gallon of wine sold in Indiana provides 5 cents in excise tax to fund Grape Team salaries and the Indiana Wine Grape Council.
Tom Maack/CC-BY-SA-3.0-migratedWEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP) — Purdue University finds itself struggling to support winemakers as wineries increasingly pop up across the state.
Purdue Wine Grape Team officials tell the Lafayette Journal & Courier that it has encountered decreased funds in recent years even though the number of Indiana wineries has tripled in the past decade, from 30 to 85.
Team member and enology professor Christian Butzke says the group has fewer resources to take care of the larger and growing industry because of a dip in the amount the program is receiving from state excise taxes.
Every gallon of wine sold in Indiana provides 5 cents in excise tax to fund Grape Team salaries and the Indiana Wine Grape Council. Butzke says overall consumption rates have dropped, so the team is receiving less money.