The Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization has an opportunity for the public to weigh in on the future development plans for Central Indiana.
The IMPO collaborated with other economic groups to create the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the region. The plan is required to secure federal funding for projects.
The plan targets three strategic areas – talent, innovation and place. This includes Marion and its eighth donut counties and outlines the need to improve workforce flexibility, business diversity, housing and transportation.
The analysis focuses on the next five years and highlights rapid growth for some areas, including Marion and Hamilton Counties. Disparity in education, economic and housing is noted across the region.
Two virtual town halls are planned to cover these topics. The first meeting is Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 4 p.m. and the second Monday, March 7 at 7 p.m.
The public is invited to review the draft plan and leave comments.
“The CEDS is a first step in helping us unlock more federal funding for the region,” Anna Gremling, executive director of the IMPO, said in a press release.
Last week, the IIMPO announced $78 million in state and federal funding for transit, greenway, pedestrian and roadway projects across Central Indiana.