A protester at President's Trump campaign rally holds a sign across the street from the president's supporters.
Barbara Anguiano/WVPEPresident Donald Trump unveiled his new slogan,"Keep America Great” at his campaign rally Thursday in Elkhart to a welcoming crowd. Protesters across the street however, had other thoughts about the president’s impact.
Trump’s supporters waited outside of the Elkhart middle school venue for hours before the rally. And they got an earful of chants against the president.
Both sides also chanted "USA" at each other. One of the protesters noted that when they all chanted the same thing, the president's supporters would quiet down.
Cassie Walker from South Bend said she didn’t think the rally should have been held at the middle school.
"This morning, there were people here, blaring music," she said, "while the students were in school, that's a distraction for them."
She said it was reasonable to think that there could have been students that felt unsafe with everything that was going on outside of the building.
Another protester, who identified herself as Christy, said she felt like the protest was personal for her because her children are Hispanic. She had just gotten off of work at a convenience store nearby, and bought drinks for the protesters.
"I'm surprised by the number of supporters,I really am," she said. "I'm kind of upset by it, to know there's this many [Donald Trump] supporters in Elkhart County."
Though police were present during the last hour of the event and had to keep both sides separate, no incidents were reported.