August 21, 2017

'Pickup Tour' Kicks Off In Indy

'Pickup Tour' Kicks Off In Indy

Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vermont,  launches a multi-state tour in Indianapolis Monday, Aug. 21 to talk about working class challenges.

Sanders says the rallies will target their message to elected officials and corporations. He’ll ask for universal healthcare, affordable college, infrastructure improvements and jobs returned to the U.S. from oversees.

"We can address those issues if working people begin to stand up and fight back and demand an economy that works for all and not just the people on top," says Sanders.

Sanders will open the tour with State Senator David Niezgodski, D-South Bend; Democrat Indianapolis City-County Councilor Jared Evans; and former local union official Chuck Jones. Jones was a leading voice for Carrier workers in Indianapolis during their fight with the manufacturer about outsourced jobs to Mexico.

The “Pickup Tour” is organized by Good Jobs Nation in partnership with CWA, Our Revolution and others and will travel throughout the Midwest.

The event kicks off at 4 p.m. on Monument Circle.

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