January 6, 2015

Pence Wants Road Money Released

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Gov. Mike Pence says he wants the State Budget Committee to release the second half of the Major Moves 2020 fund.  That would amount to $200 million for road projects.

Two years ago, lawmakers put aside $400 million into what they called the Major Moves 2020 fund.  It was meant for long-term, future projects. Last year, Pence secured the release of half of the fund to add lanes to major interstates.  On Tuesday, the Governor announced he will ask the State Budget Committee to approve the transfer of the remaining $200 million.  He says it will be used for capacity building.

“You know, I always say to people, ‘If you’re going to be the crossroads of America, you better have the roads to back it up,’" Pence said. "And the Major Moves 2020 fund was established to strengthen the capacity, particularly adding additional lanes.”

State Budget Committee Chair Luke Kenley says Pence’s plan is in line with what he wanted the money to be used for.

“So that we could, for example, have six lanes on I-70 and I-65, so I think he’s making a good investment and I’m okay with it,” Kenley said.

The State Budget Committee meets Thursday.

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