Vice President Mike Pence claims if the GOP plan passes, Hoosier workers could expect a raise of $4,000 dollars a year.
Drew DaudelinVice President Mike Pence made his second official visit to Indiana in a month Thursday for a roundtable discussion with Gov. Eric Holcomb, Sen. Todd Young and a group of small business owners.
It was held on stage at TKO Graphix, a custom graphics manufacturer on the west side of Indianapolis.
Pence used the trip to continue a push for bipartisan support on tax reform. He says the administration wants to lower taxes on working families, small businesses and family farms.
Pence claims if the GOP plan passes, Hoosier workers could expect a raise of $4,000 dollars a year.
Pence says there’s momentum in Washington to get reform passed, but during his speech he applied pressure to Indiana Democratic Senator Joe Donnelly.
“We need the support of every Hoosier in Congress. I know we’re gonna be able to count on Senator Todd Young, but Indiana also needs to be able to count on Senator Joe Donnelly to vote for tax relief, for the people of the Hoosier state,” Pence says.
Earlier in the day, Sen. Donnelly met with a White House official to talk about the Senate’s new tax reform proposal. He says in a statement that he will carefully review it, and stay engaged with his colleagues.