Indiana Gov. Mike Pence launched his campaign for re-election during an event in Indianapolis, Wednesday, May 11, 2016.
AP Photo/Michael ConroyINDIANAPOLIS -- Gov. Mike Pence will meet with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump this weekend, as rumors swirl around Pence as a potential pick for Trump’s running mate.
With the Republican National Convention a few weeks away, the Trump campaign is in the vetting process for vice presidential candidates. And Pence campaign spokesman Marc Lotter confirms the governor will, in Lotter’s words, “spend a little time” with Trump this weekend. He notes the meeting is consistent with other meetings Pence has taken with party leaders.
The Indiana Democratic Party accuses Pence of being more concerned with his own political ambitions than his job as governor, and says Pence wants to hit the eject button on his reelection campaign. Lotter insists the governor is committed to Indiana.
If Pence is chosen to be Trump’s running mate, he has until July 15 to remove his name from the gubernatorial race on the ballot. His replacement on the ticket this fall would be chosen by the Indiana Republican Party state committee.