Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signs legislation to simplify the Bureau of Motor Vehicle fee structure.
Brandon SmithINDIANAPOLIS -- Gov. Mike Pence today signed into law a bill overhauling the Bureau of Motor Vehicles fee structure.
Pence said his administration has been working for years to correct errors and problems at the BMV. Those issues have generated lawsuit settlements and overcharge repayments that exceed $100 million dollars.
Pence said a huge step forward in solving those problems is legislation that streamlines the agency’s fee and registration system.
“Approximately 2.1 million Hoosiers will see fee decreases as a result of this legislation,” Pence said. “It reduces or eliminates 163 different registration fees. It simplifies the fee structure so that it’s consistent and predictable.”
Eight fees will increase – seven affecting for-hire buses and one for commercial semi-trailers. Those changes will take effect Jan. 1.
While an overwhelming, bipartisan majority of lawmakers approved the measure, one of its architects, Rep. Dan Forestal, D-Indianapolis, is now disavowing the bill.
He says GOP legislators included what he calls “earmarks” into the bill at the last minute, including one that allows rental car companies to increase fees.