More than 800 people attended the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting in February.
Jill Sheridan/IPB NewsCARMEL, Ind. (AP) — Opponents of an Islamic congregation's plan to build a mosque in a northern Indianapolis suburb are appealing a decision to allow the project to move forward.
The Indianapolis Star reports Hamilton County Superior Court Judge Steve Nation scheduled a hearing May 25, but the case could last months.
Carmel's Board of Zoning Appeals voted 3-2 in February to approve the Al Salam Foundation's proposal to construct the city's first mosque, which has been welcomed by local faith leaders and the city's mayor.
Hundreds of people attended the meeting where the vote took place and dozens spoke in favor or against the plans. Opponents have raised concerns about property values being hurt in nearby upscale neighborhoods by additional traffic and calls to prayer disturbing the peace.