State veterinarian Bret Marsh says Indiana's recent outbreak of a different bird flu strain "reinforces the need for the record-keeping rule."
stock photoINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana's state veterinarian says a recent bird flu outbreak is a reminder of the importance of all buyers and sellers of poultry to follow state record-keeping rules.
The rules also include barters and trades involving poultry. They require that records be maintained for three years of all flock additions and removals.
Those requirements were adopted in October after last year's bird flu outbreak.
State veterinarian Bret Marsh says Indiana's recent outbreak of a different bird flu strain "reinforces the need for the record-keeping rule" due to the "magnitude" of the disease's impact.
Indiana's outbreak sparked the euthanization of more than 414,000 turkeys and chickens at 10 Dubois County farms.
The region is still being monitoring to determine if the outbreak is contained.