April 11, 2014

Number Of Uninsured Hoosier Children Is Down

Number Of Uninsured Hoosier Children Is Down

The number of children without health insurance has dropped significantly over the last four years, according to a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation report.  There’s also been a shift in how kids are covered.

From 2008 to 2012 – the most recent year for which data is available – the number of uninsured Hoosier children dropped nearly one and a half percent to 8.2 percent.  And racial, ethnic and economic disparities all narrowed.  That coincides with more children receiving coverage under public programs, while fewer received private coverage.  Indiana Youth Institute President Bill Stanczykiewicz says that’s likely a result of the recession.

“There’s been a greater interest in Medicaid in Indiana and for kids that is the CHIP program," Stanczykiewicz said. "And we see a significant increase in all sorts of social services, such as food stamps, Social Security disability insurance, kids signing up for free and reduced price meals.”

He says, regardless of the reason, it’s great news to see more kids insured because it means more regular healthcare from the same physician.

“When they know your medical history, your prevention increases and your treatment improves as well,”
Stanczykiewicz said.

He says increased employment will help continue to cover more children, but it’s too early to say what sort of impact the Affordable Care Act will have.

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