The new music building is a six-story structure connected to the south side of Notre Dame Stadium.
Courtesy University of Notre DameSOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) — The University of Notre Dame says it has received a $25 million donation toward the new music building that is under construction at the school's football stadium.
University officials say the music building is among three structures being added to the exterior of Notre Dame Stadium as part of the $400 million Campus Crossroads project. It will be a six-story, 100,000-square-foot building housing the Department of Music and the university's sacred music program. Construction is expected to be completed in August.
School officials say the donation comes from Helen Schwab and her husband, Charles, in honor of her brother, Joseph O'Neill III, a Notre Dame graduate and trustee. The new building will be named O'Neill Hall.
Here is a 360 degree animation of the Campus Crossroads project, provided by Notre Dame.