January 17, 2022

Local nonprofit’s monthly community dialogue exploring topics around race continue

LaShawnda Crowe-Storm

LaShawnda Crowe-Storm

A local nonprofit’s monthly community dialogue exploring topics around race and racism recently received $10,000 for its innovative approaches to serving the community.

The award for the series was on behalf of the Indianapolis-based Meridian Foundation, as part of the 2021 Arago Honor award given to eight nonprofits.

Spirit and Place, based in the School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI, is a self-funded, unique platform.  The conversations are meant to get people comfortable talking about uncomfortable topics.

Community Engagement Director LaShawnda Crowe-Storm said when it comes to conversations around race, it’s important to first identify the real issue.

“Within the context of powerful conversations on race we do use what we call civic reflection dialogue, which allows us to begin the conversation with a root source of material which may be a historic document, current event, video,” Crowe-Storm said.

The next virtual conversation on race will take place Feb. 13. The focus will be on the Civil War and reconstruction in history and memory.

More info about the series can be found on the Spirit & Place website.

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