Indiana Legal Services received a federal grant to help seniors who've fallen victim to neglect, battery or financial scams.
stock photoINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A nonprofit law firm that aids low-income Indiana residents has won a $400,000 federal grant to help seniors who've fallen victim to neglect, battery or financial scams.
Indiana Legal Services says the two-year grant will allow it to help about 400 seniors age 60 or older who've been victimized by helping them avoid eviction, seek protective orders against abusers and arrange other assistance for them.
The grant was awarded through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute to the nonprofit legal firm that provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income people through eight regional offices.
Executive Director Jon Laramore says senior abuse has risen along with Indiana's growing senior population. He says more safeguards are needed to protect seniors, particularly those who are ill or live on small, fixed incomes.