WGU Indiana has launched its 10th consecutive Night Shift Nurse campaign to recognize Hoosiers in the healthcare industry.
WGUWGU Indiana has launched its 10th consecutive Night Shift Nurse campaign to recognize Hoosiers in the healthcare industry.
More than 2,600 night shift workers statewide will receive an appreciation kit filled with self-care and practical items like hot chocolate packets, snacks, lip balm and other items.
WGU Indiana Chancellor Alison Bell said the campaign aligns with the return of Standard Time on Nov. 6.
“It's simply an opportunity to celebrate our health care workers, particularly those that work overnights, and we've chosen the rollback for daylight savings, rollback night to do it, because that's the night that they all work an extra hour,” Bell said.
Volunteers travel the state to deliver the packages in person.
“It’s the least we can do. You know, small things mean so much, so we're going to keep doing it.” Bell said.
WGU Indiana is also offering its annual Night Shift Workers $4,000 scholarship which is dedicated to night shift workers who are returning to school in any of the four WGU colleges.
The deadline for scholarship applications is Dec. 31.
Contact WFYI Morning Edition newscaster and reporter Taylor Bennett at tbennett@wfyi.org. Follow on Twitter: @TaylorB2213.