Organizations and foundations have given $60,000 toward the project at the Goose Pond Fish & Wildlife Area near the Greene County city of Linton. That includes $45,000 from the Friends of Goose Pond.
Courtesy of Indiana Department of Natural ResourcesLINTON, Ind. (AP) — Designs are being drawn up for new visitors center exhibits about the wildlife habitats of a popular southwestern Indiana birdwatching site.
Organizations and foundations have given $60,000 toward the project at the Goose Pond Fish & Wildlife Area near the Greene County city of Linton. That includes $45,000 from the Friends of Goose Pond.
The (Bloomington) Herald-Times reports the visitors center that opened in 2016 looks over the preserve's main pool areas. The new exhibits are expected to highlight the area's history, restoration work done there and describe its wildlife.
Sandhill cranes, white American pelicans and endangered whooping cranes are among the some 260 bird species that have been documented at Goose Pond. The site draws about 12,000 visitors a year.