An animal rights group has released new undercover video showing workers at an Indiana dairy farm abusing adult cows while loading them into a milking carousel that visitors can tour at the popular agritourism destination.
Fair Oaks Farms/FacebookFAIR OAKS, Ind. (AP) — An animal rights group has released new undercover video showing workers at an Indiana dairy farm abusing adult cows while loading them into a milking carousel that visitors can tour at the popular agritourism destination.
The video released Wednesday by Animal Recovery Mission comes a week after the Miami-based group released video showing workers kicking and throwing calves at Fair Oaks Farms.
That and other video led to animal cruelty charges against three former employees.
The new video shows employees punching adult cows, striking them with poles and apparently breaking the tails of some uncooperative cows. During a farm tour including in the footage, a guide tells visitors that cows like the carousel, saying it's "a joy ride for them."
Fair Oaks didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.