Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 360 Dust Analysis Project is looking for participants in a study to test dust within homes.
The study is a global partnership and will analyze and process the dust for harmful toxins. Center for Urban Health director and IUPUI professor Gabrielle Filippelli says the lead and arsenic crisis in East Chicago is an example.
"That soil contamination was so widespread that it was basically making it into everyone’s homes in the area and most of the kids probably got exposed to it in their homes," says Filippelli.
Dust tracked into a home can also contain old paint or insulation. Filippelli says they will look for other toxins too.
"We are also analyzing a couple elements that are present in the city in soil and we’re trying to see if they’re inside, like arsenic and chromium, both of them not healthy," he says.
People will be contacted with results and the data will be compiled for future research.
Filippelli says there has been a lot of environment research.
"But not enough about the strong linkage between environment, community and people's health," says Filippelli.
A sample archive will be compiled and new results will be continuously updated.