Nonprofits that provide services through after school programs, sports and social services are eligible for grants from a new $20 million Youth Program Resilience Fund.
LaterJay Photography /Pixabay
More than half of Indiana nonprofits curtailed or suspended programs because of the pandemic. The new $20 million Youth Program Resilience Fund aims to help youth who lost mentors, coaches and caretakers they would have had in those programs.
Indiana Youth Institute President and CEO Tami Silverman said it will help nonprofits reestablish services for school-aged youth.
"We know that our kids need access to those services," Silverman said, "We know that the network of caring adults that those programs provide are crucial to their growth and development and wellbeing."
Silverman said nonprofits that provide services through after school programs, sports and social services are eligible for grants.
"Specifically aimed at helping youth serving organizations address those challenges and adaptations they’ve had to make because of the pandemic," Silverman said.
The Lilly Endowment created the fund. The IYI will hold a series of free information sessions next week to help nonprofits apply for funding.