New federal poverty guidelines will make more Hoosier women and children eligible for WIC nutritional benefits.
ParentingPatch, CC-BY-SA-3.0INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — More Indiana women and children will be eligible for nutritional aid under new federal poverty guidelines.
The Indiana State Department of Health says a family of two with an annual household income up to $29,637 now can qualify for Women, Infants and Children nutritional benefits, commonly referred to as WIC. For a family of four, the income limit goes up to $44,955.
The program provides healthy foods, breastfeeding support and nutrition information each month to more than 150,000 Indiana women with children up to the age of 5.
The state agency also is switching to a new system making it easier to use EBT benefits. Users will be issued a debit-like card loaded with a given dollar amount each month that can be spent at stores.