May 6, 2015

Needle Exchange Bill Now Law; Pence Says It Will Save Lives

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INDIANAPOLIS – Gov. Mike Pence signed legislation Tuesday that will make it easier for other counties to launch needle exchange programs to combat diseases passed through intravenous drug use.

The law takes effect immediately.

It comes after Pence declared an emergency and created a temporary needle exchange program in Scott County, where more than 140 people have been diagnosed with HIV. The cases are all tied to intravenous drug use.

“Since that time, our public health community has worked tirelessly to confront this outbreak,” Pence said in a statement. “Our administration worked with members of the Indiana General Assembly to construct a legal framework under which Scott County and other counties could respond to public health emergencies in the future, and I am pleased to sign SEA 461 into law today.”

Originally, though, Pence said he opposed a statewide needle exchange program. The resulting compromise requires local governments to prove to the Indiana State Department of Health that a hepatitis C or HIV epidemic is occurring. Hepatitis C is also spread through shared needles and typically is an early indicator of a problem.

Last year, the House approved a bill to study needle exchange programs but it died in the Senate. This year, lawmakers said they acted to try to avoid the kinds of programs occurring in Scott County.

“I am grateful for the efforts of legislators in both political parties for moving this important public health measure forward in a timely way,” Pence said. “This measure will save lives and give public health officials the broadest range of options to confront this and other public health emergencies in the future.”

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