Indiana ranks 47th in meeting recommendations for weekly aerobic activity and muscle strengthening exercise.
stock photoNew data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds only 15 percent of Hoosiers get the recommended amount of weekly physical activity.
The guidelines were established in 2008 and include weekly aerobic activity and muscle strengthening exercise. The CDC data from 2010-2015 ranks Hoosiers 47th nationwide for meeting the recommendations.
Only 10 percent of Indiana’s women meet the levels.
Purdue University clinical assistant professor Cassandra Ledman says many Indiana communities aren’t designed to promote fitness.
"A lot more rural areas – so we don’t necessarily have the set up for the parks and the trails. [It's] not as exercise friendly," says Ledman.
Regular exercise can prevent chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Ledman says the impact goes further.
"More mental health perspective, stress management, ability to sleep, overall quality of life," says Ledman.
She recommends Hoosier communities find ways to educate residents and promote physical activity.