Marion County Republicans Saturday formally endorsed candidates for May's municipal primary, including businessman Chuck Brewer (above) for Mayor of Indianapolis.
Chuck Brewer for Mayor/FacebookThe Marion County Republican Party on Saturday formally endorsed candidates for May's municipal primary elections at its 2015 slating convention, which included throwing its official support behind Indianapolis businessman Chuck Brewer for mayor of Indianapolis.
Republicans also announced preferred candidates for the Indianapolis City-County Council, as well as both executive and legislative offices in the county's excluded municipalities of Beech Grove, Lawrence, Southport and Speedway.
"This is an important year for our Party, and I am very encouraged by the quality of candidates we have representing our neighborhoods across Indianapolis," said Party Chairman Kyle Walker, according to a statement released following the event.
That Marion County Republicans would formally endorse Brewer to succeed current Mayor Greg Ballard has been expected since the restaurateur publicly announced his intention to run almost two weeks ago.
"I love Indianapolis and I'm proud to call it home," Brewer told the crowd attending the convention, according to the Republican Party statement. "We're a city on the move and it's important that we continue the progress. By working together for safe neighborhoods, more jobs, and great schools, we'll build an even stronger Indianapolis."
Brewer is the owner of two Indianapolis restaurants--Potbelly Sandwich Shop and soup shop Soupremacy. He is also a veteran, serving in the U.S. Marines for 23 years including two tours of duty during the Iraq War.
Several other Republicans will compete with Brewer for the party's nomination in the May 5 primary. They include Olgen Williams, Indianapolis current deputy mayor of neighborhoods and former Christamore House director; Terry Michael,a former Fall Creek Township trustee and real estate agent; and Jocelyn-Tandy Adande, a notary public and perennial candidate for municipal office.
Marion County Democrats will announce their preferred list of candidates sometime next month, according to information posted on the party website. It is expected the Democratic Party will formally endorse former U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett as its preferred candidate for office of mayor.