June 1, 2020

Marion County Curfew Order Extended

Mounted police gathered downtown as events unfolded on Saturday, May 30. The city was under curfew Sunday night, and that order was extended through Monday night. -  Lauren Chapman/IPB News

Mounted police gathered downtown as events unfolded on Saturday, May 30. The city was under curfew Sunday night, and that order was extended through Monday night.

Lauren Chapman/IPB News

Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett has extended a curfew order for Marion County.

The one-night extension is effective beginning at 8 p.m. Monday through 4 a.m. Tuesday. The order has an earlier end time to accommodate Election Day voting, which begins Tuesday at 6 a.m.

Marion County was under curfew Sunday night into Monday morning following two consecutive nights of violence throughout the downtown area that overshadowed peaceful protests that had occurred earlier in the day calling for an end to police brutality and racial injustice. Sunday night was relatively quiet.

In a statement announcing the curfew extension Hogsett said: 

“I am proud of our residents, the vast majority of whom abided by Sunday night’s curfew order. My thanks go out to the men and women who helped keep Indianapolis peaceful overnight. Throughout our history, the most basic mechanism for systemic change has been the ballot box. At a time ripe with the potential to change our institutions and empower the will of the people, tomorrow presents a powerful opportunity for residents to make their voices heard through the exercise of their constitutional right to vote. Today I am reinstating the curfew order to ensure we can preserve and protect that right.”

During the curfew, travel on public streets or be in public places in Marion County. Exceptions to the order include individuals traveling directly to or from work, seeking medical care, or fleeing from dangerous circumstances; law enforcement; members of the news media; federal, state, or local public officials conducting necessary work; and individuals experiencing homelessness. An additional exception for election-related activities has been added to the executive order.

Violation of the curfew order is a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 180 days in jail and fines worth up to $10,000.

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