Marion County Public Health Department Director Dr. Virginia Caine presents COVID-19 data during a virtual press conference on Thursday, Oct. 29.
screenshot of virtual press conferenceMarion County is experiencing an increase in COVID-19 cases.
During the month of October, Marion County’s COVID positivity rate crept up to nearly seven percent. The number of new daily cases has risen to more than 200 a day.
Marion County Public Health Department Director Virginia Caine said the positivity rate concerns her.
"If we reach double digits, then you may find we have to go back and go back to a stage of more requirements than we are today," Caine said.
Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett asked people to adhere to public health advice.
"As we head into the winter we are still fighting this virus, and fatigue set in a long time ago," Hogsett said.
Hogsett urged residents to respond to contract tracers, wear masks and get tested if you’ve been exposed. The county says it will also ask the public health departments of surrounding counties to work together to develop best practices.
"To begin working on what I hope will result in more regional collaboration on policies and practices that acknowledge that our foe in this fight does not recognize county lines," Hogsett said.