Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann is stepping down to pursue the presidency at Ivy Tech Community College.
provided photoINDIANAPOLIS -- Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann Monday delivered her letter of resignation to Gov. Mike Pence and legislative leaders.
Ellspermann says it’s with a “conflicted heart” that she steps down from the No. 2 job in Indiana government. She’s leaving to pursue the presidency at Ivy Tech Community College.
In her letter, Ellspermann lauded what she calls successes she and Pence have shared, including career and technical education investments and implementation of healthcare program HIP 2.0. She says increasing the number of postsecondary credentials is still the most important challenge facing Indiana.
Ellspermann’s resignation takes effect Wednesday; the House and Senate will vote Thursday to confirm her replacement, former state GOP Chair Eric Holcomb.