January 6, 2015

Bill To Allow Run For White House, Statehouse In Same Year May Be DOA

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Indiana’s legislative leaders say they won’t support proposed legislation that would allow Gov. Mike Pence to run for both governor and president in the same year. 

The bill, authored by Carmel Republican Sen. Mike Delph, would change Indiana election law to allow a state legislator or governor to run for state office and federal office in the same election.

Though the legislation seems aimed at Pence, Speaker Brian Bosma says the only consideration must be the policy implications.

“It does not seem to me to be good public policy to give elected officials the opportunity to run for a federal and a state office at the same time,” Bosma said. 

Senate President Pro Tem David Long says there’s nothing wrong with elected officials having greater political ambitions.

“But, I also think if running for that office is what I’m going to do, and it happens to coincide with the date, that I’m running for reelection, you’re going to have to make a choice there.”

Long says he doubts the bill will get a hearing.

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