October 18, 2016

Lawsuit Could Force Indiana To Reduce Power Plant Emissions

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Indiana could be forced to reduce power plant emissions that cause smog.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, along with five other Northeastern states, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency more than a week ago.

Those states are asking the EPA to add Indiana and eight other Midwestern and Southeastern states to the Ozone Transport Region, a group of 11 states required to reduce pollutants that cause smog.

Schneiderman argues that Indiana and the other “upwind” states are contributing to pollution in the “downwind” states, making it more difficult for them to comply with federal standards.

In 2013, the Northeastern states petitioned the EPA to expand the Ozone transport Region. The lawsuit comes after the EPA failed to respond to the petition within the allotted 18 months.

In an emailed statement the EPA said it will review and respond to the lawsuit.

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