Legislation approved by a Senate panel Tuesday aims to bolster financial protections for active duty National Guard members and reservists.
The federal Servicemembers Civil Relief Act doesn’t necessarily extend to members of the Indiana National Guard or reservists. So, the Attorney General’s office made a state-level protection bill part of its agenda for the session.
The measure helps protect Guard members and reservists who’ve been on active duty for at least 30 days from foreclosures and default. Chief Deputy Attorney General Matt Light says it also allows them to suspend certain contracts, including residential leases.
“Satellite radio contracts, cell phone contracts, internet service contracts – the types of things where you might pay for a number of months or for a year but then if you’re called up on active duty, you’re not going to get the benefit of that contract,” Light said.
Some servicemember organizations noted the legislation doesn’t specifically mention reservists in the bill’s protections. Light says reservists are meant to be included and encouraged lawmakers to clarify the bill’s language to specifically make reservists part of the bill.