September 27, 2016

Lawmakers Begin Survey Of 'Inconsistencies' In Alcohol Laws

At its first meeting, the study committee reviewed the history of Indiana’s alcohol laws. - file photo

At its first meeting, the study committee reviewed the history of Indiana’s alcohol laws.

file photo

State lawmakers met this week for the first study committee taking an overview of Indiana’s alcohol laws.

At its first meeting, the study committee reviewed the history of Indiana’s alcohol laws. Republican Rep. Matt Lehman, chair of the committee, says he wants to highlight what he calls “inconsistencies” and give some recommendations to the General Assembly – though not specific legislation.

“That there are some things this committee wrestled with and said, ‘Here, maybe, are some priorities that we need to focus on going forward,’” Lehman says.

Lehman says that list of priorities likely won’t include action on the controversial issue of Sunday alcohol carryout sales.

“I think it’ll be an issue you hear discussed,” Lehman says. “As far as a recommendation on what we do with it, I don’t think necessarily it’s going to come from this committee… It is an issue we’re going to have to deal with at some point.”

The committee will meet twice more this year before finalizing its recommendations.

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