Rep. Tom Washburne (R-Inglefield) says his chamber wants to minimize labeling and testing requirements for CBD manufacturers.
Lauren Chapman/IPB NewsState lawmakers are arguing over labeling and testing requirements for cannabidiol, or CBD, manufacturers in the final days of the 2018 session.
The Senate this session put certain labeling and testing requirements into CBD legislation. That includes a provision to require all manufacturers to submit their CBD oil to an independent lab for inspection.
Rep. Tom Washburne (R-Inglefield) says his chamber wants to minimize such requirements.
“And that it would not be limited to those that had the means or the capability to send it off to labs and all the rigmarole that verifies what labs are valid,” Washburne says.
But Sen. Mike Young (R-Indianapolis) says the requirements aren’t burdensome.
“Your cereal box is tested. You know what’s in it. It’s tested by a laboratory and they tell you exactly what’s in it,” Young says. “But I don’t see anybody getting out of the market because they have to test it.”
Both chambers will have to vote on the bill once more this session for it to pass.