Full House Resorts wants build a $650 million upscale retail center anchored by a casino on a surplus parking lot near the old Indianapolis International Airport terminal.
file photoINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A Las Vegas-based casino developer has proposed a deal to Indiana and Indianapolis officials if they let Rising Sun Casino Resort move half of its 1,400 gaming tables to Marion County.
In exchange, Full House Resorts would build a $650 million upscale retail center anchored by a casino on a surplus parking lot near the old Indianapolis International Airport terminal. Full House Resorts announced the proposal on Monday.
The company says state legislators would have to approve the move of its gaming tables to another county. But lawmakers have previously been apprehensive to expand casino gambling in Indianapolis.
Full House's proposal is the first serious attempt in several years to bring gambling to Indiana's largest city. The last proposal was made about a decade ago under then-Mayor Bart Peterson.