September 26, 2014

Indiana's Public Integrity Coalition Proposes Changes To Curb Corruption

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Indiana’s Public Integrity Coalition is proposing a series of legislative changes aimed at curbing corruption among government officials at both the county and local levels.  Attorney General Greg Zoeller calls it a first step in strengthening public trust.

The Public Integrity Coalition was formed earlier this year as a partnership between the State Board of Accounts, the Association of Cities and Towns, the Association of Indiana Counties and local government leaders.  It’s developed legislative proposals intended to both halt public corruption before it can occur and help recover stolen money.  Attorney General Greg Zoeller says those proposals include strengthening whistleblower protections.

“The protection has the ability to ask for back pay if you were fired and some penalties and costs so you’re really just protected from retribution,” Zoeller said.

The coalition is also proposing a requirement that all government and public school employees who handle public money get a surety bond, which is essentially an insurance policy against employee theft.  Only elected officials are currently required to obtain a bond.

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