June 8, 2015

Indiana's Long Legal Battle Over High-Fenced Deer Hunting Is Over

After a decade-long legal battle, it appears the high-fenced deer hunting industry’s lengthy time in the Indiana court system is at an end. 

On Friday, the Indiana Supreme Court declined to hear the state’s appeal in the case, affirming a Court of Appeals ruling that essentially legalizes high-fenced hunting. 

The owner of an Indiana high-fenced hunting preserve sued the state in 2005 after the Department of Natural Resources reversed its position and declared so-called “canned” deer hunting illegal.  The Indiana Court of Appeals earlier this year ruled that DNR made the wrong call and that state law doesn’t prohibit high-fenced hunting. 

By denying to hear an appeal of that decision, the state Supreme Court keeps the Appeals Court ruling in place, sanctioning the controversial practice.

The legislature has for years considered measures to legalize high-fenced hunting, but various bills continually failed to pass the Indiana Senate.  That includes legislation this past session that narrowly died on the Senate floor

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