August 19, 2014

Indiana's Attorney General Wants More Consumer Protections For Active-Duty Military

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller (front) wants to enhance consumer protection measures for active-duty military service members.   - Brandon Smith

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller (front) wants to enhance consumer protection measures for active-duty military service members.

Brandon Smith

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller wants to enhance consumer protection measures for active-duty military service members. 

His proposed bill – which the legislature will consider next session – builds on protection provided by the federal Service Member’s Civil Relief Act.  It allows military members who’ve been deployed to suspend or postpone debt collections, foreclosures, evictions and other obligations that include cell phone or cable contracts. 

Zoeller says the bill also provides greater protection from predatory lenders or scammers who prey on vulnerable service members.

“When you have a first job, you’re in town with your family and friends who might be able to support," Zoeller said. "But when your job is in Afghanistan or Iraq or someplace, you’re disconnected from the people who you may come to rely on.”

Greencastle Republican Representative Jim Baird says the bill can help service members be more effective and efficient.

“Because if we can minimize or reduce those things that might impact them or their families or draw their focus away from what they’re there to do, then I think it’s worthy of our discussion,” Baird said.

Zoeller says he’s had broad, bipartisan support for previous consumer protection legislation and expects the same for this bill.

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